Neka od naših zapaženih gradilišta na kojima trenutno radimo su: "Ling Long Šangdong" u Zrenjaninu predstavlja jednu od najvećih fabrika guma za južnu Evropu. Projekat se izvodi u skladu sa najvišim inženjerskim standardima, tako da objekat radi u svom punom kapacitetu. Naša kompanija je zadužena za isporuku i ugradnju sistema "HVAC", kao i za protivpožarnu proveru i instalacijom gasovoda.

Some of our notable construction sites that we are currently working on are: "Ling Long Shangdong" in Zrenjanin represents one of the biggest factories of tires for southern Europe. The project is done in accordance with the highest engineering standards, so that the facility operates in it's fullest capacity. Our company was charged with delivery and installation of "HVAC" systems as well as fire proofing and gas pipeline supply.